Male Health: Understanding Prostate Delinquents The concerns about prostate health have been arising recently. This "O"-shaped gland is located below the male's urethra and is seen under the urinary bladder. The primary role of the prostate is to generate a fluid in order for the semen to move effectively and to increase its viability. What are the signs and symptoms? As man ages, it is naturally normal that the health of his prostate gland will decline. The warning signs for an unhealthy prostate are the following.
Case Study: My Experience With Health
You tend to urinate frequently and there is the pain in the hips, thighs and lower back
Case Study: My Experience With Health
Difficulty in urination and incomplete urination You always feel the urge to urinate and you also experience a dripping of urine Burning or painful feeling when urinating Erectile dysfunction Difficulty of ejecting semen Minute amount of blood in urine or semen If you are experiencing any of these warning signs, it is best that you consult your male healthcare provider as soon as possible. As a result, your male doctor will be able to diagnose the delinquent and give you best treatment. The Diagnosis People often mistaken prostate problem from prostate cancer. Keep in mind that not all prostate problems are cancer-related problems. There are several prostate illness that will go away without treatment and there are also some that will necessitate simple remedies. Acute prostatitis is a condition caused by a bacteria dwelling in the prostate. This disease is often due to the bacteria that caused urinary or bladder infections such as Klebsiella, Proteus bacteria and Eschirichia Coli which can be acquired by means of sexual contact and contact of the infected person's blood. Chronic prostatitis happens when an infection is frequently recurring. The signs and symptoms of this problem are typically longer in contrast to acute prostatitis and are more intense. In this case, the medical doctors will have a hard time of treating your illness most especially if bacterial infection is not the major cause. If bacteria is not the culprit, then there is no need to use antibiotics. Benign prostatic hyperplasia also known as BPH takes place when there is an abnormally increasing size of the prostate gland. BPH is a common occurrence in aging men and is detected by means of rectal exam. Men are always worried of having a prostate cancer. This is due to the growth of cancer cells in the prostate gland.